May 17, 2017

Schaumburg Siding Pros Share Tips on How to Clean Your Siding Properly

basic roof triangle shape

Siding installed on your home exterior is generally easy to care for. As long as you had them installed by a quality Schaumburg siding contractor and do your best to keep them clean, they can keep your home looking good for way longer than their intended lifespan. The summer season is a good time to clean your siding, so if you haven’t done so in the past year, now would be a good time to start cleaning your home’s protective and beautifying outer layer.

Preparing your cleaning materials

Regardless of your siding material, it can benefit from an annual cleaning to remove accumulated dirt, mildew, and grime. Set aside an entire afternoon for the cleaning task to ensure a thorough clean. Here are the materials that you’re going to need:

• Soft-bristled scrub brush
• Bucket of warm, soapy water

Any type of clean bucket you have will do, but the bigger, the better. Fill the bucket with water, then pour a cup of liquid soap. Stir the soap until bubbles form.

A brush with a lengthy handle will be the best type to use to clean your siding, so you can perform the job without stooping down or reaching up. If you have a multi-storied house, you may need to use a ladder to reach the siding at the eaves. Be sure that the ground where you set up your ladder is firm and flat. Don’t rely on your rain gutters to support your ladder. Have a someone else hold the ladder secure while you clean.

Cleaning the siding

Dip the brush into the bucket and start scrubbing your siding one section at a time. Brush from top to bottom, side to side, and section to section to avoid contamination of cleaned surfaces. Let gravity do its job. For stubborn stains, it can help to use a little bleach in your cleaning solution. Usually, five spoonfuls of bleach to a bucket is more than enough. Avoid pouring too much bleach, as you could cause fading to your siding material.

Inspect for damage as you clean

Look out for signs of damage as you clean your siding. Check for cracks, peeling, and loose material. If the damage is glaring, you may have to call a Schaumburg siding and roofing installation professional such as Muller Exteriors Inc. to repair or replace any damaged siding you may have.


How to Clean and Care for Your Home’s Siding,

reverse of rooftop triangle shape blue

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