October 25, 2019

How to Tell If You Need New Windows

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Winter is just around the corner and for those who know how brutally cold this season can be here in Chicago, now is the best time to crank up their furnace. Although most heating systems are set to run continuously, it’s crucial to conduct a full system check before the first snowfall to ensure they don’t malfunction in the depths of winter. What many households forget when winterizing their homes, however, is the fact that the furnace isn’t the only thing that keeps the interior of their homes warm and comfy. The windows play a vital role, too.

multi-pane casement window

As unassuming as they may look, your windows do a lot more than just decorate your façade. They help you save energy by letting sunlight in during the day while keeping the cold, which can add pressure to your furnace, out at the same time. In a nutshell, apart from ensuring your furnace’s condition, you also have to check your windows for damage that might affect the performance of your furnace. You must be able to identify signs you need new windows at least a few months before winter.

How do you know when it’s time to replace windows?

Windows are not made to last forever. Even the highest quality ones will need to be replaced after 15 years or so. If your windows were installed in the 90s, odds are they are not as weather-resistant as modern-day windows and therefore not giving your furnace the support it needs to combat winter cold. Now is the best time to replace them even if they still look intact. To help you ascertain the validity of your decision, here are typical signs you need to replace your windows.

  • Rising Energy Bills
  • – Compare your current bill with the one from the same month last year and see if there’s any difference. A huge spike in your consumption despite having no significant change in your home’s electrical setup or in your family’s daily routine could indicate that your furnace is broken. Then again, if after conducting a thorough inspection of your furnace you didn’t find anything abnormal, it’s safe to assume that your windows may have something to do with it. A deteriorated, broken, or poorly installed window, after all, isn’t capable of efficiently locking out the cold, which puts your furnace under so much pressure.
  • Obvious Signs of Wear and Tear
  • – Inspect each window and check for signs of deterioration, such as rot and warp. If you find one in at least a couple of units, chances are it’s happening in all of your windows. You don’t want to replace just the units that have ostensible signs of wear though, especially if your windows were simultaneously installed. Some signs may not look serious but don’t be deceived; deterioration may be taking place within the material, which is just as dangerous. Once the windows lose their structural integrity, it can only get worse. You must consider replacing them right away.
  • Your Home Is No Longer Sound Proof
  • – Windows are designed to block not just draft but also sound. In fact, one way to tell if your windows are still intact is if your home is soundproof from both sides of the wall. So if one day you woke up to the sound of running vehicles or children playing in the streets while all your windows are shut tight, then it’s likely that your windows are starting to loosen up. If it’s happening all over the house, then it’s time to think about replacing the windows soon, or else, it’s not just noise that you will have to deal with down the road.
  • Hard to Open or Close
  • – While it’s vital that your windows are shut tight when you close them, it doesn’t mean they must be difficult to open. If you’re always having such a hard time opening or closing your windows, stop putting up with it and start finding a solution. There can be a number of reasons for this problem. One is when the windows are painted shut, and another is when there’s an object blocking the channel. Both can be fixed without the need for new windows but some causes of shut windows are too serious to not think about replacement. For instance, if the frame has already warped or the sash cords have snapped, the best way to deal with it is to install new windows.
  • Draft All Over the House
  • – It’s no news to people that drafty windows pose a threat to a home’s energy efficiency so if you notice draft on one or two of your windows, you better pay attention. The draft may be caused by many things, including failing caulking and frame misalignment. Of course, it can be caused by the simplest of things, such as when you don’t close the window properly. So before you decide to get someone to fix it, first find out what might be causing the draft so you won’t end up replacing a unit that’s still intact.
  • Leak
  • – I’ve mentioned before that windows must be able to block cold wind and sound. As it turns out, they must be able to block water and moisture as well. If rain or snowmelt can freely leak into your house, it only means all other elements that you want to keep out can leak in, too. Do I need new windows in this instance, you ask? No, not right away. First find out where the leak is coming from and how severe the damage is, and if you’re not sure of the best course of action, contact window experts like Muller Exteriors to give you the best recommendation.

Sometimes, it’s not wear or damage that could prompt the need for new windows. The type of window you have could be enough reason to think of window replacement. For instance, if you have one of those vintage types that are made up of single glazing, then you’ve been pouring money down the drain for a while as those windows don’t insulate buildings enough. It’s important to have a window expert you can call anytime to tell you when to replace windows so you can make financially sensible decisions as you continue making your home a comfortable place for your family.

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