Are you planning to replace your windows soon? Is there any particular reason you are so eager to make such a huge investment? If there’s none, then you are a few steps away from destroying a section of your home that can still serve its purpose for at least a couple more years. That’s thousands of dollars of ROI flushed down the drain. To be sure that you are making the right decision, conduct a full assessment of your windows. See if you can find any signs you need to replace your windows. Below are some examples.

Draft Is Coming in from All of Your Windows
Apart from offering visual access to the outdoors, your windows also function as an insulator, keeping your home warm when it’s freezing outside. If draft manages to enter even though your windows are shut tight, it means your windows are no longer functioning the way they should. You may still consider repairing the damage that’s causing the draft if it’s happening on no more than a couple of windows, but it’s an altogether different story if the draft is coming in from all of your windows. Chances are the damage is already beyond repair and the only choice left is replacement.
Your Electricity Bill Keeps on Skyrocketing
Everything in your home that uses electricity contributes to your monthly energy cost. If you notice a significant increase in your bill even if there was no major addition to your regular energy consumption, it should be a red flag that something needs fixing. Maybe your HVAC system is busted and it’s been using twice as much energy as it should. If you don’t find anything unusual with your electrical system, it’s most probably your windows that’s causing the surge in your energy cost and bleeding your savings dry. Maybe it’s leaking cool or warmth, forcing your HVAC system to work harder and consume more energy just to maintain your home’s temperature.
You Still Have Single-Pane Windows
Many older versions of windows are single-glazed. Back in the day, manufacturers were as oblivious of the benefits of making window panes thicker as they were of the drawbacks of having single-glazed windows. They did not realize how much energy a building is consuming just because the windows are not providing enough insulation until they switched on their energy monitors. If you still have one of those windows in your home, you should really consider replacement. Today’s windows have thicker glass panes. Some have argon or krypton gas injected between their two layers of glass to further reduce heat transfer.
Condensation Is Building Up on the Surface or between the Panes
When you take out a can of beer from the fridge, you’ll notice water droplets forming on its surface. That’s an example of condensation, the process of changing gas to liquid when warm, moist air meets with cold air. This same process may occur once or twice on your windows when the temperature inside your house is higher or lower than that outside. However, this shouldn’t happen more than a few times throughout your windows’ functional life and only in extreme temperatures. Your windows’ exterior glazing should be able to neutralize heat or cold before it reaches the interior glazing to keep the interior surface of your windows at room temperature. If you see moisture buildup on the surface of your window or between the glass panes more often than normal, that’s one of the signs the windows need replaced.
You Can Clearly Hear Outside Noise
Your windows are designed not only to shield your home from the elements, but also to reduce outside noise. If it seems a bit louder inside your home than normal despite having all of your windows shut, then sound must have found another way to leak in. Loose caulking around the frame or glass panes is to blame, but try to look for other damage on your windows to determine whether you should really replace or resealing may do the trick.
Window replacement is a top dollar job. Make sure you’ve done the necessary assessment and confirmed that there are indeed signs you need new windows before you make a decision. Also, you have to choose your contractor carefully so that you can get the most value for your money. Reputable window replacement companies in Chicago like Muller Exteriors not only provide exceptional workmanship but they may also recommend window options that can save you loads of money in the long run. If a contractor does not use energy saving windows, they are practically not the best choice, so find one that does.